Want a smart home but don’t want to break the bank? Here’s how to get started without spending thousands of dollars.
Get a smart plug.
A smart plug is a small device that you can plug into an electrical outlet to control the devices plugged into it. They’re convenient because they allow you to turn lights and other appliances on and off remotely, which means that you don’t have to get up from your couch when the movie ends or when it’s time for bed. Smart plugs also make it easier for homeowners who are away from home during the day (or if they’re at work) by allowing them to control their lights from their phones while they’re away from home.
Smart plugs work with both Wi-Fi networks as well as Bluetooth connections, so if you have an Internet connection available at home then this should be no problem!
Use a smart bulb.
If you’re just getting started with smart home technology, a smart bulb is a great way to dip your toes into the water. They’re easy to install and compatible with most systems. The best part? They’re inexpensive compared to other types of devices that make up a full-fledged smart home system.
Upgrade your thermostat.
If you want to start making your home smarter, the first thing you should do is upgrade your thermostat. Smart thermostats are programmable and can be controlled remotely, so they make it easy for homeowners to save money by turning off their heating or cooling when they’re not at home. Some even have a learning mode that will learn your preferences over time, automatically adjusting temperatures based on when people come and go throughout the day.
If you don’t already have one in place, consider installing one today!
Set up automatic lighting.
# Set up automatic lighting.
It’s a good idea to set up a schedule for your lights that works best with your family’s lifestyle. For example, you might want to have them turn on at 6 p.m., then stay on until 11 p.m., and then turn off until 7:30 a.m.; or perhaps you’d like them to come on at 7:00 a.m., go off at 10:00 p.m., and then turn back on at midnight (or whatever time works for you). You can also create scenes that trigger certain actions when activated–like turning all the lights off in one room when everyone leaves it–and timers so that they’ll automatically shut off after an hour or two if they’re not being used by anyone in particular during those times of day/night!
Get a motion sensor for your home’s lights.
Motion sensors are a great way to automate lighting in your home. They can be set up so that when you enter a room, the lights will turn on. You can also program them to turn off after a certain amount of time, which is perfect for rooms that aren’t used regularly or when you leave the house at night.
Add voice controlled lights to every room in your home.
You can also add voice controlled lights to every room in your home. Smart plugs are cheap and simple, but if you want something more elegant, there’s always smart bulbs that work with Alexa or Google Assistant.
Sometimes it’s hard to remember what switch controls which light–especially when there are several switches in a room (and even more when there are multiple rooms). With smart lighting, all you have to do is say “Alexa turn off the lights” or “Hey Google turn off all my lights”.
Add voice controlled outlets to every room in your home.
If you have a smart home, then it’s a good idea to have voice controlled outlets in every room of your house. With these, you can turn lights on and off, or even control more complicated devices like fans by speaking commands into a microphone connected to your phone.
All of these cheap devices integrate with other smart home devices, so you can easily expand your system down the road as you save money and discover what else works best for you
All of these cheap devices integrate with other smart home devices, so you can easily expand your system down the road as you save money and discover what else works best for you.
When I was looking to buy a new TV, I was surprised to find out that it had an app store that let me download apps like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime Video right on my TV screen! This made life so much easier than having to use my phone or tablet every time I wanted to watch something on those services.
We hope that this article has given you a few ideas for how to get started with smart home technology. There are many affordable options available today, and most of them are easy to set up on your own. We know that it can be daunting and confusing at first glance, but don’t let that stop you from exploring the possibilities! With some time and patience (and maybe a little help from us), we think anyone can create their own smart home on a budget.
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