A fresh coat of paint and a new siding can make your home look like new. But it’s not all about the appearance; there are functional reasons for doing a diy facelift on your home as well. Condensation, for example, can lead to mold growth under siding—a problem if you have kids or pets who spend time outdoors in your backyard! And rotting trim is just unsightly. But don’t worry: we’ll walk you through every step of this project so that you’ll know exactly what’s involved and how much it will cost as well as how long each phase will take to complete.
Step 1 – Remove the old siding.
The first step in the process of your DIY facelift is to remove the old siding. You’ll need a hammer and crowbar for this job, but also be sure to have a screwdriver on hand too.
Use your screwdriver to remove any nails or screws holding down the siding, then pull off any boards that come off easily by hand. Next, use either a paint scraper or putty knife (or both) depending on what type of material covers up your home’s exterior — wood or vinyl — and scrape off any paint that’s left behind after removing boards from their mounts. Finally, remove any caulk around windows and doors so you can start putting up new material!
Step 2 – Install new siding.
The second step in a DIY facelift is to install new siding. You may be tempted to skip this step because it seems like a big job, but don’t! The right siding can make your home look brand new without breaking the bank. Here are some factors to consider when choosing which type of siding is right for your home:
- Cost – One thing we all want from our homes is value, and this includes both monetary and practical value. The cost of materials alone will vary depending on what type of materials are used in their construction (wood vs aluminum), but even more important than that is labor costs–you’ll need professionals if you want high quality results!
- Color – Different colors evoke different emotions in people; choose wisely! A light-colored house will feel brighter than one painted dark gray or black; however, if there’s too much sun exposure then lighter colors might fade faster than darker ones would.”
Step 3 – Install new trim.
Step 3 – Install new trim.
Trim is the decorative molding that goes around windows and doors, as well as other openings in your home’s exterior. It can be made of many different materials, including wood, vinyl and aluminum. If you have an older house with original wood trim (and if it has been painted over many times), there may be some cracks or gaps where moisture has gotten into the wood over time. You’ll want to repair these before installing new trim so that water doesn’t get trapped inside again. To repair small cracks or gaps in existing trim simply sand down the area until smooth then apply a thin layer of polyurethane varnish over top of them (you’ll probably need two coats). For larger holes or missing pieces from rotted out areas of your siding consult a professional contractor before proceeding further–they may recommend replacing all damaged sections instead of just repairing them!
Step 4 – Paint with a quality exterior paint sealer.
We’re almost done! Step 4 is to paint your home with a quality exterior paint sealer. This step can be done either by spraying or rolling, but make sure you use an exterior paint sealer. You’ll want to apply two coats of this product for maximum protection and color retention. If you don’t know how much to buy, just ask someone at your local hardware store–they’ll be able to help out! When applying the first coat of sealer (or any other type of paint), always start at the bottom and work your way up so that there aren’t any drips on top that can ruin the look later on down the road when they start peeling off due
to high winds blowing through town during storms like hurricanes or tornadoes.”
A diy facelift on your home can cost much less than you think and be much easier than you imagine!
A diy facelift on your home can cost much less than you think and be much easier than you imagine!
- Cost of materials: The materials needed for a diy facelift will vary depending on the project. For example, if you’re painting a wall or ceiling, all that’s required is paint and brushes. On the other hand, if you want to replace flooring or cabinets in an area of your house where there are no existing ones (such as in an attic), then those costs would be higher because they involve purchasing new items from stores like Home Depot or Lowe’s instead of just buying one thing at a time.
- Cost of labor: This depends on how long it takes for two people working together on this project–one doing most of the work while another handles smaller tasks such as painting–as well as how skilled each person is at completing specific tasks such as measuring distances between studs behind walls so they know exactly where holes should go before drilling through them with power tools.”
We hope you enjoyed this guide to a DIY facelift on your home! If you’re interested in learning more about how easy it is to install new siding, trim and paint, then check out our other blog posts. We also offer free consultations where we can help answer any questions or concerns that might come up during your project.
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